February 20, 2009

781 (desde Inglaterra)

Outer spaces meeting inner spaces with a razor-sharp sense for design.

This british photographer and I have a silent agreement: to compulsively find hidden thoughts on every corner of the world. Invention is allowed. And the best way for deciphering the hidden message is using square-perfect-frames. His way of finding tiny universes is so unique... and at the same time so familiar.

I'm very pleased with his collaboration. I couldn't expect less.

Number 781, by Davespertine.

Thanks, Dave!


enrique said...

cuadritos perfectos.. me encantan los cuadritos, y los circulitos, y los triangulos cuando forman hexagonos, y las colaboraciones,

mario betteo barberis said...

You are totally right. Tinny and huge at the same time. Someone to follow.

+ La Kalaka + said...

"to compulsively find hidden thoughts on every corner of the world. Invention is allowed."


Y muy agradable de leer cuando te despiertas, gracias :3